Nuthe-Spree Waste Treatment Association (ZAB), Niederlehme


Execution of public tender procedures for the procurement of machinery for the plant operation as well as delivery gates for the municipal and commercial waste reception areas. The technical design was determined in consultation with the client.

Modification of the wastewater treatment process control and visualization to maintain the quality of the wastewater to be discharged.

Engineering and construction supervision of the modification measures for the mechanical process technology extension in the secondary shredder area. The modification measures will provide the client with options for different fuel quality production for the further marketing in the future.

Basic evaluation for a newly to be build fire alarm system. Implementation support during the installation and operation of a test facility by a plant supplier. The comprehensive engineering services for this were provided by Waste Tec in accordance with the current requirements for fire detection, fire alarm and fire extinguishing technology for waste treatment plants.