July 2021
Contract for the general planning services for the conversion of a decommissioned MBT plant into a digestate post-composting plant at the Pennigbüttel site in Osterholz-Scharmbeck, Germany is awarded to Waste Tec GmbH.
Abfall-Service Osterholz GmbH has issued a tender for the general planning services for the conversion of an existing mechanical-biological waste treatment plant (MBT) into a composting plant.
The aim of the project is the aerobic post-treatment of digestate produced during the anaerobic treatment of separately collected biowaste at a different plant location.
In the future, the rebuilt plant shall process approx. 40,000 tpy of digestate and added structure material in 10 existing but technically rebuilt composting tunnels into a high-quality finished compost with increased requirements for organic farming.
As far as technically possible and economically viable the existing civil structure and processing technology of the MBT plant shall be used.
Ultimately, Waste Tec GmbH was able to prevail in the tendering procedure with a technically balanced and, compared to a new construction, also economically reasonable planning concept and was therefore commissioned with the overall planning service, initially for order phase1 (service phases 1-3 according to HOAI).